Basic modules of Stable Diffusion Model

  1. Basic tutorial:
  2. CLIP: encode text, another name: text encoder
  3. Sampler: takes the main Stable Diffusion model as an input, takes both positive and negative prompts encoded by CLIP model + a latent image (can be blank)
    1. sampler takes this input latent image, adds noise to it and then denoises it using the main model
    2. prompts and negative prompts are passed to model at each sampling step
    3. sampler outputs the denoised image
  4. VAE: translates an image from latent space to pixel space
  5. Prompting: (word:1.5) means it is 1.5 more effective


Installing ComfyUI

  1. ComfyUI on Colab notebook:
  2. ComfyUI examples:
  3. ComfyUI installation locally
    1. Metal Performance Shaders (MPS)
    2. For Mac Metal:
  4. ComfyUI installation from Colab:
    1. Uses CloudFlare Reverse Proxy